Frost is back

Frost is back

Over the past three days, frost has caused considerable damage to our crops. The future consequences of this episode of frost on our harvest are still uncertain, however, we estimate our losses at 50%, but we won't know until the harvest.Combating frost in vines is a...

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New store Rue Lissignol Geneva

New store Rue Lissignol Geneva

Retrouvez trois de nos vins dans la nouvelle boutique des vignerons de Genève (Vignerons Indépendants) en ville de Genève : Rue Lissignol 101201 GenèveA deux pas de Manor A l'initiative des membres de l'AGVEI (Association Geneveoise des Vignerons-Encaveurs...

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Local vouchers are available again

Local vouchers are available again

Update of November 18, 2022 The credit granted is now exhausted, and unfortunately the local vouchers are no longer available. For those who still have vouchers in their possession, do not forget to use them before 31.12.Les bons du Terroir - An operation proposed by...

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20% discount – “Les Bons du Terroir”

20% discount – “Les Bons du Terroir”

Les bons du Terroir - An operation proposed by Genève Terroir and the State of Geneva:"Locally Yours" - Local vouchersDetails of the operation "bons du terroir"To help producers in the canton of Geneva who sell directly from their farms, the state of Geneva, the...

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New temporary shop of the “Vignerons en ville”

New temporary shop of the “Vignerons en ville”

The store on Rue Vignier is now closed but our new store has opened its doors. Click on the button below for more information.Find three of our wines in the new temporary store of the Geneva winegrowers (Vignerons Indépendants) in Geneva city: Rue Vignier 3 1205...

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